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How Moms Can Combat Winter Blues for Their Kids and Themselves

Verenice Hernandez-Herrera

Winter is a beautiful and festive season full of excitement and joy for many. However, the colder months can also bring about feelings of sadness and melancholy. Seasonal affective disorders, depression, and grief are known to be on the rise during this time of year. As moms, we want to do all that we can to ensure that our families are happy and healthy, especially during the winter season. Hence, in this blog post, we will discuss how moms can help both themselves and their kids combat the winter blues.

Let's Talk About It

The first step towards dealing with winter blues is to talk about it. Encourage your kids to express their emotions and ask them probing questions. Instead of dismissing their feelings, validate and normalize them. This can also be a great moment for you to share some of your own personal teenage struggles or struggles you have during the winter season.  Sharing will show your vulnerability as a parent and help your children see you in a different light.  Realizing that others may also be struggling with the winter blues can be liberating for kids.

Take Advantage of the Winter Beauty

To quote the popular proverb, "If you can't beat them, join them." A great way moms can combat the winter blues is by embracing the beauty of the winter season. Plan family activities that involve spending time outdoors, such as sledding, snowshoeing, or a winter hike. Spending time in nature, even in winter, has been proven to positively impact mental health. Not to mention, getting some fresh air and exercise is always healthy!

Open Up Your Home

During winter, spending time indoors is inevitable. Hence, moms can combat the winter blues by making their homes cozy and inviting. Light up some candles, add some twinkle lights, and cozy throw blankets. Encourage your kids to help you decorate and transform your home into a winter wonderland. After all, decorating is always a fun activity, and the rewards are a welcoming and comfortable home for everyone.  This is also an opportunity to create new family traditions.  It could be as simple as choosing a great holiday family movie and watching it every winter season or making a special dessert to ring in the holidays.  The tradition of those simple moments helps solidify family bonding time.  Those moments are what become core memories!  And those core memories are what trigger all the happy emotions.

Plan Fun Indoor Activities

When the weather is too harsh to go outside, plan fun indoor activities that the whole family can enjoy. Organize game nights, movie marathons, or baking sessions. Let your kids pick their favorite activities and ensure everyone has a great time. As moms, we know that these events do not necessarily need to be extravagant or expensive. The goal is to spend time together and create fond memories.

Seek Professional Help

Lastly, suppose you or your child is struggling with the winter blues beyond what simple remedies can handle. In that case, it may be best to seek professional help. Don't hesitate to make an appointment with us at WishWell.  We have an awesome and knowledgeable team of experts ready to jump in and help support your child and your family.. There's nothing wrong with seeking help when you or your child needs it.

Moms have to juggle so many responsibilities, and the added stress of winter blues can be overwhelming. However, combating the winter blues and taking care of ourselves and our families is possible. Start with the simple tips discussed in this blog post, such as talking about it, embracing winter beauty, making your home cozy, planning fun indoor activities, and seeking WishWell’s professional help when required. Also, don’t forget to check out all of our resources in the resource section.  With these tips, not only will your kids benefit, but you will also protect your mental health during the winter season.

Verenice Hernandez-Herrera

Our founder has been an educator and school counselor for 20+ years.
Read more about her here